5 Questions Your Boudoir Photographer May Ask You and Why They Are Important
You’re going to book your boudoir session! That’s flipping amazing! Your boudoir photographer is going to have some questions now in order to help them learn more about you to prepare for your session.
I’ve listed some of the questions that I like to ask my boudoir clients and why they are important. You might even see some of these questions from other photographers because they are pretty important.
So let’s dive in!
Question 1:
What sorts of photos do you want?
This one encompasses a lot of other questions. Most important of them is: “Do you want to be more serious or more playful?” and “Are you comfortable with tasteful/implied nudes?”
These two questions are important because it will help the photographer learn your boundaries. We want to push your boundaries a little but not so far that you are uncomfortable. The goal of a session is to feel so comfortable you don’t even realize you’re hanging out in your intimates in front of a camera!
Question 2:
What feature do you love about your body?
We are all so f**ing hard on ourselves. Men and women alike. When it comes to focusing on what we love about our bodies, our brains struggle for an answer. That is why this is so important to think about ahead of time.
Your photographer wants to know what you love about your body so we can focus your images on those parts of you that you love. For example, if you really love your eyes, we will take lots of photos where your eyes are at the forefront of the image.
It’s encouraged that you l think really hard on this one and list at least one, if not MORE here! Even if you are middle ground on something, maybe focusing on it in an image could make you love it more.
Question 3:
What is your least liked feature of your body?
We ask this question for the same reason we ask what you love. We want to minimize the things you dislike through clever lighting, posing, and framing. For example, if you rather dislike your tummy (as most of us do) there are all varieties of poses to stretch it out or even hide it entirely!
Just like I mentioned above, we all too ready and willing to tear ourselves down, making this question very easy to answer.
At any rate, when answering this one, don’t make a huge laundry list of things you dislike about your body. Focus on the one or two things – the first things you notice when you look in the mirror – and we will do our darndest to ensure they are minimized in your photos.
Question 4:
Do you have any special themes or props you would like to use?
This one is less important than the above questions, but it’s nice to mention to your photographer if you have something specific in mind so that they can prepare for it. It’s just nice to know in advance because some of us (*ahem* me, I’m some of us) like to make plans. We will definitely adapt if you bring it in without forewarning, but it’s polite and respectful to let us know.
Question 5:
Do you have any physical injuries or movement restrictions?
Posing…is…hard. It is not only hard to describe and demonstrate (I always try to demonstrate the poses I want to see), but some poses are tricky and difficult to hold! We expect a lot of toe pointing, back arching, head turning…we expect a lot. So it’s important to tell your photographer if you have some sort of injury or movement restriction that will inhibit your ability to do some of these actions. Having a restriction doesn’t mean we will not work with you! It only means we have to adapt to your restriction in order to give you the best experience possible!
When answering these questions, I would encourage you to answer each question honestly and precisely and do not leave any blank! Clients who leave them blank or give vague answers will inevitably end up with images that they simply don’t like because the photographer didn’t know what to avoid and what to focus on.
These are some of the most important questions I need answers to when you’re booking with me. Other photographers will likely have similar questions. I want you to be prepared to go in to your session with confidence that your photographer is going to do their best to create an awesome experience that will produce images you love and will make you love yourself more.
Are you ready to embark on your transformative boudoir photography experience? It's time to celebrate your unique beauty, boost your confidence, and embrace a journey of self-discovery.
Contact me today to start the boudoir consultation process. Let's discuss how I can tailor this extraordinary experience to your individual desires and aspirations.
Don't wait any longer; it's your time to shine. Reach out to me now, and let's make your boudoir dreams a stunning reality!
Book a consultation you can find my contact details on my Contact Page.
Not ready yet? That's okay! I'm here for you when you are 😉