Covid Times: You Can Still Celebrate Your Graduation!
Graduation is Cancelled.
Graduates mourn. Parents mourn. It’s a day that everyone has been looking forward to. The transition to adulthood has always been marked by Highschool Commencement and Prom. This year Covid-19 has obnoxiously prevented this rite of passage from taking place. Everywhere.
Rather than going to school to complete their Grade 12 year, graduates are finishing their year at home. Of course, this is absolutely essential to flattening the curve and reducing the stress on the healthcare system (a system that I work in as a Respiratory Therapist so I appreciate the sacrifices being made at this time). The loss of graduation is a huge sacrifice for our graduates who have worked so damn hard to get to this point in their lives.
I can only imagine how everyone – graduates and parents – are feeling about this. If I were a Graduate in this time I would be utterly crushed to lose that milestone in my life.
But I don’t think this milestone has to pass unrecognized! Sure, you may not be getting the big commencement and prom, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mark the occasion SOMEHOW, right?
Celebrate Anyway!
You already have your formal graduation attire. Let’s use it! Enjoy a photo session in your formal attire! Photo sessions can occur at an outdoor location and I can keep a safe distance which maintains social distancing recommendations. There is no need to get close to you or your family – yes, you can include family members you are isolated with. I will direct you from afar and use my zoom and telephoto lenses to get your images.
But what about the cap and gown? Do some cap and gown photos outdoors, too! All you’ll need is a cap and gown with a colored V-stole to match your school colors which can be ordered at (I’ve been told that the set comes to $127 with shipping).
I want to help you celebrate and provide the sense of pride and achievement you and your parents deserve.
I will have special pricing for 2020 Graduates who book sessions for June and July which you can receive through inquiring via message.
Don’t let your highschool graduation pass without celebration.
To inquire about special Grad 2020 pricing or if you have more questions, then I invite you to Contact me using the forms and/or contact information on my Contact Page.
Don’t be afraid to reach out! I don’t bite.
Promise 😉