Covid Graduation: A Parents Perspective

by Aug 21, 2020

I’ve known Janice for a few years. We initially met in and around the arena during Roller Derby season in Saskatoon, and I had the opportunity to be acquainted with her lovely daughter Raina who also plays roller derby. Last summer, before her daughters had even started their senior year, she tracked me down at a game and asked me if I would do her daughters’ graduation photos. She

“Of course!” I was so honored to be asked! And we had many discussions about what that would look like. She wanted it all – casual and formal photos.

“My daughters are, of course, twins. And they are different in so many ways. Both are intelligent, caring and determined. Raina is my dreamer, the athletic, artistic derby girl, who wants to better the world…. . Aimee is my grounded one, the caregiver that keeps us organized, very dependable, and a little more bossy of the 2 lol. I’ve tried to raise them to be independent and be proud of their individuality.”

She really wanted to showcase that individuality but also their twinship.

She wanted to ensure their experience was something special. “My son is 22 and graduated 4 years ago. These are my babies.” There would be no more graduations after her daughters.


Saskatoon Seniors Photographer Twin Senior Girls Graffiti

And then Covid came. And we all worried if graduation would be happening. It was a great disappointment when it became apparent that graduation would not, in fact, be happening.

My heart broke for my girls when we got the news of the grad being canceled.  Our school wouldn’t even consider a postponement which hurt even more. It wasn’t fair at all.”

But did this stop Janice from ensuring her daughters had that incredible graduation experience? No.

No. Way. Covid can’t even stop a Mama Bear.

When I asked her how she felt about her daughters graduating she confessed that she still couldn’t believe it had happened. “I am so proud of how well they did in high school…they both strived to get good grades. Time just flew by so fast, I blinked and they were in Grade 12!”

Covid wasn’t going to stop this Mama Bear from ensuring her daughters had their best graduation experience.

“Well, me and another mom of a grad started a group of parents that got together and planned an alternate graduation celebration at the Wyant Racetrack, where we held a “drive-through” grad where the grads drive up to a stage, get their diploma and get back into their car, staying apart from everyone but able to be together.  We also organized a parade through Warman for the community to celebrate the grads.”

Saskatoon Seniors Photographer Twin Senior Girls Graffiti


Besides all the fabulous events she organized for her daughters and the other graduates, she also kept her photo sessions with me. Yeah, we had to move the dates a little bit, but they happened and they were fantastic. You can find Raina and Aimee’s blog posts HERE and HERE.

She had this to say about the images: “I was amazed at how grown up my babies looked!! I mean, I KNOW how beautiful they are, but to see them captured in a lens looking like princesses…and the contrast between their dresses was perfect for how different they both are. The yin and yang..not that one is evil or dark…LOL, but that in being different in many ways, it complements the other perfectly.” 

Both Raina and Aimee will be attending the University of Saskatchewan this fall for Engineering and Teaching, respectively. 

I can only imagine how incredibly proud of them Janice is.

Saskatoon Formal Grad Prom females twins Boffins Gardens
Saskatoon Seniors Photographer Senior Twin Girls
Saskatoon Formal Grad Prom females twins Boffins Gardens
Saskatoon Seniors Photographer Twin Senior Girls Brick Wall
Saskatoon Formal Grad Prom females twins Boffins Gardens

Graduation Photos

Casual Seniors Portraits

Are you a parent interested in booking a Casual or Formal session for your graduate? It’s never too early to book for 2021. wink

I invite you to Contact me using the forms and/or contact information on my Contact Page.

Don’t be afraid to reach out! I don’t bite.

Promise 😉